First of all, I had a very busy day today. I had BSF - Bible Study this morning, was supposed to fix Lasagne for 100+ people at my church, attend a funeral for a dear friend, serve the Lasagne, attend Prayer Meeting at my church.
I made a point to honor God by going to BSF even though I felt like I didn't really have time. I had finished my lesson and everything. I went to the Discussion Group but did not stay for the lecture. When we started, I realized I had done the wrong lesson. Ugh. God is at work in all things. I needed to sit and listen, and focus. I love BSF, if you haven't written anything on your paper you can't talk. I didn't even have my paper so... I just listened. We were studying Isaiah 24. It was about how Israel/Judah had forgotten God, betrayed Him, played the harlot and the consequences of that, ungodliness.
I rushed back to my church (20 minutes away) to start the Lasagne, I had asked a friend to come at 1 PM to help while I was at the funeral. I cooked the meat, but that is all I could do. The groceries had not been delivered and weren't scheduled to arrive until 12:45. Time to breathe in and out. There were also no disposable pans for the cake, I learned that cobblers had been ordered, so we would have those instead when they arrived. Save the cake for next week.
Through my circumstances, I remained calm, unflustered. God was in control, He knows what He is doing.
I left at 1 to go to the funeral. The funeral was interesting, worshipful, and instructive, and full of love. There were many people there who I had not seen in a long time. People I love and who love me. I needed that.
Seeing Bro. Charley and Darlene, reminded me of all the things they taught me, and something he said once, "You just have to love people. Love God and love people." God continued to speak to me through the funeral. The funeral was beautiful. But more than that. Maybe because it was about a man who had spent his life loving God, worshiping Him, and loving people. Something that was attributed to Russell saying was "Jesus redeemed 'Joe' Jesus will use him." Hmmmm. Jesus redeemed me, Jesus will use me. Listen, Tracey. How is God using you? Is He? Do you need to make a change? Jesus will use me. Jesus will use me. Yes, Lord. Use me.
Then the music, two songs spoke volumes to me:
Christianity is about the greatest story of liberty and freedom ever told.
"My chains are gone I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood His mercy rains Unending love, Amazing grace" My chains are gone, I have been set free! (I need to find a Bible verse to go here)
Unending love and mercy, Amazing Grace!
Followed by: "How great is our God, sing with me How great is our God, and all will see How great How great is our God"
The greatest story of liberty and freedom is written by the Greatest God, The One True God.
The scripture that I remember comes from John 14:1-6 "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going. Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going, How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." It was as if God was shouting from a mountain top for all to hear, Don't be troubled or upset. I have prepared for Russell, I am preparing for you. Don't let your hearts be troubled! Ahhhh. What a comforting thought. These happen to be some of my favorite verses in the Bible. They are so beautiful. If God is preparing a place for me, He wants me there. He will come back to get me and bring me to where He is. Makes me cry everytime.
Then something else about Russell, repeated over and over. Two things really, the first one was something I had heard and been led to recall earlier, "Love God and Love people." Or "Worship God and Love people." And then... Authentic worship. Authentic heartfelt worship. That is what happened there in that place today. Oh, how I wish I could hang on to that and carry it with me. Authentic heartfelt worship by all those around me. They love the Lord, they strive to live for Him. Wow! What a feeling! Russell never did anything (at least that I know of) half-hearted or halfway. He did his very best for the Lord and used the very best that he had. He was always organized, and things were well planned. Yes, he had helpers. But isn't that part of planning, to plan who you need to help you accomplish what God has given you to accomplish.
Then to return to my task for the day, Lasagne. The groceries did not arrive until 3:45, too late. We (actually Krystle and Kim) made Pizza Pasta. It was awesome. Had to rush a bit, but it was good. Didn't have to do the dishes, the drain was clogged. I hate doing dishes anyway. I was at peace about dinner. A little harried but not anything like I would have been if I had been there all day. Thank you so much to Kim and Krystle. God was at work. Then I went to prayer meeting because I was not exhausted from cooking and didn't have to do dishes so...
In prayer meeting we studied Psalm 78. Have you ever read it? It gives God's plan for a godly generation. How to raise up a godly generation. Fathers are to teach their children about the wondrous things God has done. About the Exodus, the Red Sea, the Manna, Jesus in Bethlehem and on the cross, and their own testimonies of what God has done for them. Teach them to their children so that they turn around and teach them to their children. So they will set their hope in God, not forget the works of God and keep His commandments. It goes on to show the character of God, always faithful. He provides for our Deliverance. Deliverance. That brings us back to liberty and freedom and life with Christ everlasting.
Was I frustrated with myself for doing the wrong lesson? Yes. Frustrated about the groceries and dinner? Yes.
Was the funeral sad? Yes. And yet, it was full of Joy. Real joy. And liberty. And worship.
God was in it all. I was looking for God today. He was there for me. How about you?
(Maybe these things don't speak to you. They spoke volumes and volumes to me. I wanted to share. Tomorrow, I will look for God again.)
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