The turkeys have to be fed and watered. So, buckets of water are carried from the hydrant (because in -18 weather the hose is frozen) to the turkey pen. Feed the turkeys. Chickens, need feed, water, and gather the eggs. The chickens quit laying eggs during the blizzard apparently, the few that were laid were frozen. Bother! More water hauling. All the water everywhere is frozen. The steers headed for Freezer Camp in a few weeks keep knocking the heater out of their water trough. Silly things. Trudge over to their feeder to feed them. The rest of the cows have to have hay and feed. So the tractor has to be started and hay put out. Now, the tricky part... the water for the cows. The pond is frozen. The ice on the pond must be broken with an ax. Not to bad, except for the hike to the pond. In knee deep snow it seems like forever. Then there are the dogs and cats, all need feed and water. Now we are done... only to start again the next day. Phew, it is exhausting.
However, on a lark the female farmer wants to go take pictures of the pond. Male farmer says, okay after he feeds all the critters he will walk with her. She however is impatient, and can't wait that long and decides to go ahead. About halfway there, she is thinking, "Phew. Maybe this was not a good idea. It is a lot farther in the snow." Then she realizes she didn't bring her cell phone, if she passes out, or has a heart attack she will just fall down and freeze to death. So, now a prayer is issued, "Please God, let me make it to the pond and back. I forgot my phone and will die a frozen death and my family will not even realize it. Thank you. Amen."
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